Relationship metrics:
- Relationship Type: shows M:1 or M:M or 1:1 relationship type.
- Relationship Size: relationship size (in bytes).
- Max From Cardinality: maximum cardinality of columns on the From side of the selected relationships.
- Max To Cardinality: maximum cardinality of columns on the To side of the selected relationships.
- 1:M Ratio %: ratio between the Max To Cardinality and the number of rows of the table on the Many side of the relationship.
- Missing Keys: Number of unique values on the From side of the relationship that have missing values on the To side of the relationship.
- Invalid Rows: number of rows on the From side of the relationship that have a missing key on the To side of the relationship.
- Bid. Filters: Show the presence of a bidirectional filter.
- MMR: Shows the presence of a many-to-many cardinality relationship.