Configuration file (config.json)

This file contains the main configuration of the data generator.

  • OrdersCount: (int) Total number of orders to be generated.

  • StartDT: (datetime) Date of the first order.

  • YearsCount: (int) Total number of years generated. Orders are distributed over the years.

  • CutDateBefore, CutDateAfter: (datetime optional parameters) The 2 parameters allow creating data starting from a day different from January 1st and ending on a date different from December 31st. Data before CutDateBefore and after CutDateAfter is removed

  • CustomerPercentage : Percentage of customers to be used. Range: 0.001 - 1.000

  • OutputFormat : Format of the data to be generated. Values: CSV, PARQUET, DELTATABLE

  • SalesOrders : Type of data to be generated. Values: SALES / ORDERS / BOTH.
    • SALES = creates the “sales” table.
    • ORDERS = creates the “orders” and the “orders details” table.
    • BOTH = creates all the previous tables (“sales”, “orders”, and “orders details”).
  • CustomerFakeGenerator: (int) Number of full random customers. Only used during tests to speed up the process.

  • DaysWeight (section)

    • DaysWeightConstant: (bool) If set to true, the configuration about days is ignored.

    • DaysWeightPoints, DaysWeighValues: (double[]) Points for interpolating the curve of distribution of orders over time. It covers the entire YearsCount period.

    • DaysWeightAddSpikes: (bool) If set to false, annual spikes are ignored.

    • WeekDaysFactor: (double[] - length 7) Weight multiplication factor for each day of the week. The first day is Sunday.

    • DayRandomness: (double) Percentage of randomness added to days, to avoid having a too-perfect curve over time.

  • OrderRowsWeights: (double[]) Distribution of the number of rows per order. Each element is a weight. The first element is the weight of orders with one row, the second is the weight of orders with two rows. and so on

  • OrderQuantityWeights: (double[]) Distribution of the quantity applied to each order row. Each element is a weight. The first element is the weight of rows with quantity=1, the second element is the weight of rows with quantity=2, and so on.

  • DiscountWeights: (double[]) Distribution of the discounts applied to order rows. Each element is a weight. The first element is the weight of rows with a discount of 0%, the second element is the weight of rows with a discount of 1%, and so on.

  • OnlinePerCent: (double[]) Distribution of the percentage of orders sold online, over the orders total.

  • DeliveryDateLambdaWeights: (double[]) Distribution of the days for delivery. The delivery date is computed by adding one day plus a random number generated using the distribution built from this parameter.

  • CountryCurrency: Table mapping Country to Currency

  • AnnualSpikes : Set of periods where orders show a spike. For each spike, you define the start day, the end day, and the multiplication factor.

  • OneTimeSpikes: Set of spikes with a fixed start and end date. For each spike, you define the start end, the end date, and the multiplication factor.

  • CustomerActivity : Contains the configuration for customer start/end date

    • StartDateWeightPoints, StartDateWeightValues: Configuration for the spline of customer start date

    • EndDateWeightPoints, EndDateWeightValues: Configuration for the spline of customer end dates

Last update: Feb 27, 2025