Output formats and related parameters

Every output format has specific parameters to be set inside config.json


Parameter Values Notes
OutputFormat “CSV”  
CsvMaxOrdersPerFile -1 or a number >1 Maximum number of Orders per file
CsvGzCompression 0 or 1 Apply GZ compression to output CSV files

For creating a single big CSV file:

"OutputFormat": "CSV"
"CsvMaxOrdersPerFile": -1
"CsvGzCompression": 0

For creating multiple CSV files:

"OutputFormat": "CSV"
"CsvMaxOrdersPerFile": 50000
"CsvGzCompression": 0

For creating multiple CSV.GZ files:

"OutputFormat": "CSV"
"CsvMaxOrdersPerFile": 50000
"CsvGzCompression": 1


Parameter Values Notes
OutputFormat “PARQUET”  
ParquetOrdersRowGroupSize integer Number of orders per parquet Row Group. Default value is 500000. Do not change if not strictly required.


"OutputFormat": "PARQUET"

Delta Table

Parameter Values Notes
OutputFormat “DELTATABLE”  
DeltaTableOrdersPerFile integer Number of orders per parquet file.
ParquetOrdersRowGroupSize integer Number of orders per parquet Row Group. Default value is 500000. Do not change if not strictly required.


"OutputFormat": "DELTATABLE"
"DeltaTableOrdersPerFile": 250000
Last update: Jul 22, 2024
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