Custom Template Table

The CustomTemplateTable defines the configuration of a custom table. This class is the foundation of the Custom Date Table.


Array of DaxExpression objects defining explicit table steps required by other expressions. For example, the Date table usually creates a __Calendar step that defines the range of dates using the @@GETCALENDAR() placeholder.

  "Steps": [
      "Name": "__Calendar",
      "Expression": "@@GETCALENDAR()"


Common properties of the base DaxExpression object used by Steps, GlobalVariables, RowVariables, and Columns.

The code for the DAX expression is defined in either the Expression or MultiLineExpression property.

The content of the DAX expression must use a double underscore ( __ ) as a prefix for global and row variables, and a single underscore ( _ ) as a prefix for local variables defined and referenced within the same DAX expression.


Name of the DAX expression, corresponding to the name of the step/variable/column.


DAX expression defined in a single line. If defined, Expression has precedence over MultiLineExpression.


Array of strings that define a comment in multiple lines. If Expression is defined, then MultiLineExpression is ignored.


Single line comment. If defined, Comment has precedence over MultiLineComment.


Array of strings that define a DAX expression in a multiple lines. If Comment is defined, then MultiLineComment is ignored.


Array of objects derived from DaxExpression defining global variables that can be used by any following step. The global variables cannot have dependencies on other Steps of the template. Every global variable name must start with a double underscore prefix ( __ ).


This additional property extends the DaxExpression object for a global variable specifying whether the variable should be configurable (true) or not (false). The global variables with IsConfigurable set to true are included in an initial section of the table expression, so that they are easier to change by manually editing the DAX expression that defines the calculated table


Array of DaxExpression objects that define local variables for each row of the generated table. The expression can reference other variables defined in RowVariables and GlobalVariables. The template engine automatically arrange the right definition order evaluating the dependencies. Every row variable name must start with a double underscore prefix ( __ ).


Array of objects derived from DaxExpression defining the columns of the table generated by the template. As a naming convention, every column name should start with the @ prefix if the column is temporary to the calculation and must not be exposed in the final table.

If an expression references a temporary column, there are additional steps to create the column, reference it in following expressions, and then ignore it in the generated table.


Data type of the column:

  • String
  • Int64
  • Double
  • DateTime
  • Decimal
  • Boolean


(optional) Format String of the column.


true if the column is hidden.


true if the column is temporary. Temporary column should follow the naming convention starting with the @ symbol.


true if the column requires an Holidays table. If the Holidays table is not enabled, the column is not included in the generated table.


Name of the column to use in the Sort By property. For example, a Month column usually has MonthNumber in the SortByColumn property.


Name of the display folder.


Data category using standard definitions:

  • Years
  • Quarters
  • QuarterOfYear
  • Months
  • MonthOfYear
  • MonthOfQuarter
  • Weeks
  • WeekOfQuarter
  • WeekOfYear
  • DayOfWeek
  • DayOfMonty
  • DayOfQuarter
  • DayOfYear
  • PaddedDateTableDates


Description of the expression. Can be used in comments for steps and variables.


Specifies a column defined in the specified step. For example, the Date column of a Date table is usually defined in a __Calendar step:

  "Columns": [
      "Name": "Date",
      "DataType": "DateTime",
      "Step": "__Calendar"


Specify a single attribute type assigned to the column. When specified, it creates a list with a single attribute in AttributeTypes, ignoring the AttributeTypes definition.

  "Columns": [
      "Name": "Date",
      "DataType": "DateTime",
      "Step": "__Calendar",
      "DataCategory": "PaddedDateTableDates",
      "AttributeTypes": "Date"


Specify a list of attribute types assigned to the column. It is ignored if AttributeType is defined.

  "Columns": [
      "Name": "Date",
      "DataType": "DateTime",
      "Step": "__Calendar",
      "DataCategory": "PaddedDateTableDates",
      "AttributeTypes": [


List of annotations added to the column. The annotations might be required by measure templates to identify measures, columns, and tables referenced by the template. For example, the filter safe columns in the time intelligence template are marked with the SQLBI_FilterSafe attribute set to true:

  "Columns": [
        "Name": "IsWorking",
        "Expression": "__IsWorkingDay",
        "DataType": "Boolean",
        "RequiresHolidays": true,
        "IsHidden": true,
        "AttributeType": "IsWorkingDay",
        "Annotations": {
          "SQLBI_FilterSafe": true


Array of objects defining user hierarchies of the table. Each hierarchy has the following properties.

  "Hierarchies": [
      "Name": "Calendar",
      "Levels": [
          "Name": "Year",
          "Column": "Year"
          "Name": "Month",
          "Column": "Year Month"
          "Name": "Date",
          "Column": "Date"
      "Name": "Fiscal",
      "Levels": [
          "Name": "Year",
          "Column": "Fiscal Year"
          "Name": "Month",
          "Column": "Year Month"
          "Name": "Date",
          "Column": "Date"


Name of the hierarchy.


Description of the hierarchy.


Array of objects defining the levels of the hierarchy. Each level has the following properties.


Name of the hierarchy level.


Corresponding column name of the hierarchy level. The column name is the simple name, it is not a fully qualified name.


Description of the hierarchy level.


List of annotations added to the table. The annotations might be required by measure templates to identify measures, columns, and tables referenced by the template.


Array of strings used as prefix/suffix in formatted name of attribute values. The purpose of this definition is to create a list of names that can be translated in localized versions.

 "FormatPrefixes": [ "Q", "FY", "FQ", "FM", "FW" ]
Last update: Oct 13, 2024